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Are you considering adoption but don’t know where to start? Have you started the adoption process but have a lot of questions and fears? Are you an adoptive momma and feel different than other moms? In Adoption Adventure Travel Guide: Tales and Tips From an Adoptive Momma, adoption advocate, Holly Nicole James, gives a fresh new look into the process of adoption and answers all the questions you have and those you didn’t even know to ask.


As an adoptive mom herself, Holly not only tells her story of adoption, but also leaves you with a practical guide for navigating the adoption process. Through personal stories, humor, encouragement, and a step-by-step look at the adoption process and adoption terms, she shows you how to do more than just survive adoption, but how to make it an adventure of a lifetime. In this book, you will learn:


    • How to decide which avenue of adoption is right for you and your

    • How to choose an adoption agency

    • How to create a family book that will get your profile looked at by
    birth mothers and RAS committees 

    • How to navigate Child Protective System and the legal system

    • How to embrace being the type of mom that you are


Adoption can be filled with anxiety and the fear of the unknown, and parenthood in general can be scary. But having the right tools and another adoptive momma cheering you on can make the path so much smoother to navigate.

by: Holly Nicole James
Paperback $14.99
eBook $9.99
About the Author

Adoption advocate, Holly Nicole James, has been featured in Buckner International’s quarterly magazine as well as a guest blogger, and her story has been shared on World Adoption Day and Stand for Life. 


When Holly is not working as a marketing specialist or being a boy-mom to her two little boys, you can find her sharing her story of adoption through CPS and her everyday life to give a glimpse into what adoption and motherhood can really look like. 


"Great gift for families going through the adoption process. A fun and informative read!"


"I bought this book while we were in the process to become licensed as foster to adopt parents. It was extremely helpful to get information on this mama’s experience with foster care from start to finish. It gave us a better idea on what to expect and what questions to ask. I have since gifted this book to friends who are getting licensed. (This book also has great info on other types of adoptions and pros and cons of each). Would highly recommend to anyone considering adoption."


"My sweet, talented & passion-filled friend launched the most beautiful book. It is full of everything you need to know when walking out adoption. Have someone you know in the adoption process or about to start, be a gem and get this book in their hand!" 


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© 2018 by Holly Nicole James  

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