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Celebrating 1,000 likes!

You guys!!!!! I can't believe I have 1,🍩🍩🍩 sweet people who like my Adoption Advocate Facebook page! So we celebrated with some sweet donuts at my house!

Months ago when I was just dreaming of my site and what I would share, I would always ask my husband, "Do you even think 1 person would want to read what I have to say?" And today, I have 1,000 people following my page who's hearts want to know more about foster care and adoption!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much!!! I so can't wait to see where God takes this and His plan He has waiting!


Holly Nicole James

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Meet Holly Nicole James

I'm a workin', southern momma who loves stilettos and I have a major case of wonderlust. I'm a boy mom and I love every second of it. My heart is for kids who don't have a home ♥ 

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