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Foster/Adoption Momma’s Needed + Product Sponsors!

Hey y'all - I am working on a brand new project! And I need foster + adoption momma’s in the Houston area who are willing to share their story for a video series! I want to share about:

  • International Adoption

  • Infant Adoption

  • Foster Care

  • Foster-to-Adopt

  • Waiting Texas Children

  • Infertility

  • Sensory Processing

  • Attachment

  • Older Adoption

{Please note: we would share your story in any way that YOU feel comfortable and would totally respect your story and parts that are personal.}

The purpose of these videos is sharing adoption stories: how you chose adoption + the adoption route you chose + encouragement for mom's wanting to and/or thinking about adoption! I just think adoption and all that comes with it is one of the least talked about topics & one that most people need encouragement! I also like to help bring awareness to “non-adoption” families on how to come along side families who have chosen adoption and how they can be involved.

I am also looking for company’s/brands who would like to sponsor this project!

If you are interested and want more details - please send me a private message or email me at!

Thanks so much!


Holly Nicole James

About Holly Nicole James

Adoption advocate, Holly Nicole James, is a momma to two fun, energetic boys, wife to her always supportive husband, Jeremy, and author of Adoption Adventure Travel Guide. She has been featured in Buckner International’s quarterly magazine as well as a guest blogger, and her story has been shared on World Adoption Day and Stand for Life.

When Holly is not working as a marketing specialist or being a boy-mom to her two little boys, You can find her sharing more of her story of adoption and a glimpse into the everyday life of what adoption and motherhood can really look like on her website

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Meet Holly Nicole James

I'm a workin', southern momma who loves stilettos and I have a major case of wonderlust. I'm a boy mom and I love every second of it. My heart is for kids who don't have a home ♥ 

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